Individuals receiving financial assistance through the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) are allowed to own certain assets.  For instance, a principal residence, one motor vehicle (regardless of value), a prepaid funeral, all funds held in a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), funds held in a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), tools of a trade, a student loan, or a loan to purchase an exempt asset (principal residence or a motor vehicle).

A person may be the beneficiary of a life insurance policy up to $100,000, provided that the funds are used for the health and well-being of the beneficiary.  Interest earned from the policy may be reinvested in the policy provided that the total cash value does not exceed the $100,000 asset limit. 

A single individual receiving assistance through ODSP can have up to $40,000 in assets (cash in bank account or other investments) and a couple receiving assistance are allowed $50,000 with each dependent child having $500.  All interest earned within the asset limit is exempted.  However, if interest accumulates beyond the asset limit it will be treated as income the following month.

The information from the blog ODSP Asset Limits and Exemption derives from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services website.  More specifically, policy directive - 4.1 Definition andTreatment of assets .